Program Objective & Goals
The Global Gateways Program is a residential-based programming model designed to increase students’ self and cultural awareness with an international emphasis. The Global Gateways Wing of Witherspoon Hall offers a central location where students curious about different cultures, global issues, and our world can gather in a comfortable and welcoming space.
Students do not receive academic credit for participation in the program. However, each participant will receive a “Certificate of Completion” after they complete their stay with Global Gateways.
Global Gateways offers a complimentary co-curricular experience that enhances any academic discipline area. Gateways residents will participate in organized social and educational experiences to increase intercultural competence and global awareness. Types of programs include international cuisine cooking demonstrations, country-specific mini lectures/presentations, foreign film screenings, volunteer options with the Charlotte international community, and more!
If interested, program participants may satisfy the International Engagement Experience requirement of the Global Engagement Scholars Program by living in Global Gateways for at least a semester, reflecting their commitment to strengthening their global-mindedness and cultural competence
Through participation in the Global Gateways Program, students will:
- Understand more about self as a cultural being
- Strengthen one’s intercultural competence
- Engage with the UNC Charlotte and the city of Charlotte international community
- Practice conscientiously interacting within an intercultural environment