Dr. Katherine Bliss

Event Date:
February 9, 2012 – 3:30 PM to February 10, 2012 – 4:59 PM
Atkins Library Halton Reading Room
Dr. Bliss is Director, Project on Global Water Policy; Deputy Director and Senior Fellow, Global Health Policy Center; and Senior Fellow, Americas Program with the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C.
Bliss has held positions with the U.S. Department of State in the Bureau of Oceans, Environment, and Science and led projects on water, sanitation, and hygiene; indoor air pollution; and climate change adaptation challenges in developing countries.
Dr. Bliss will present “Global Health Challenges: Emerging Trends in Policy, Governance and Diplomacy.”
The presentation will discuss the expansion of the field of global health in the last decade, which Bliss states has been driven by increasing amounts of overseas development assistance, technological innovation, and new legal frameworks and organizations dedicated to fostering international cooperation and coordination on health issues.
The presentation will also explore the origins, development and impact of such multilateral institutions as the World Health Organization and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria; consider the processes that led to internationally-agreed treaties such as the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and the International Health Regulations; examine the changing nature of official development assistance for health as well as the emerging field of health diplomacy; and analyze the increasingly influential role played by non-governmental organizations, the private sector, and philanthropic organizations.